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Does the medium matter?: A comparison of a Web-based tutorial with face-to-face library instruction on education students' self-efficacy levels and learning outcomes
Research Strategies (2004)
  • Penny Beile, University of Central Florida
  • David N. Boote, University of Central Florida
This study explored whether students' library skills self-efficacy levels and learning outcomes varied
based on instructional delivery mode. Groups consisted of an on-campus class with face-to-
face instruction, an on-campus class with a Web-based library tutorial, and a Web-based
class with a Web-based tutorial. Data were collected immediately prior to instruction and
again 6 weeks after. Analysis indicated self-efficacy levels and learning outcomes
significantly increased across all groups after instruction.
  • self efficacy,
  • library instruction,
  • tutorials,
  • assessment
Publication Date
December, 2004
Citation Information
Penny Beile and David N. Boote. "Does the medium matter?: A comparison of a Web-based tutorial with face-to-face library instruction on education students' self-efficacy levels and learning outcomes" Research Strategies Vol. 20 Iss. 1 (2004) p. 57 - 68
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