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A Typology of Suburban Economic Development Policy Orientations
Economic Development Quarterly
  • John P. Pelissero, Loyola University Chicago
  • David Fasenfest, University of Louisville
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This article explores variations in economic development goals and orientations among suburban governments and the impact of these on economic development programs. The research was conducted among suburban officials in the Chicago Metropolitan area who responded to a survey in 1987. The results of the survey show that suburbs can be divided into five types based upon their economic development policies: aggressive, regulatory, cooperative, retentive, and reactive. These general policy orientations were found to affect the specific city government staffing, planning, activities, fiscal programs, and regulation related to economic development in the community.

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Citation Information
Pelissero, John P. and David Fasenfest, “A Typology of Suburban Economic Development Policy Orientations,” Economic Development Quarterly Vol. 3 (November 1989): 301-311.