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Unpublished Paper
Human Rights Compliance and Accountability for U.S. Multinational Enterprises: a Principled Step Forward after Sosa and Kiobel
  • Paul L Regan

This article proposes a Congressional statutory solution to resolve when a multinational corporation can be liable under the Alien Tort Statute on a claim for human rights abuses arising from a corporation’s overseas business operations. Under this proposal a U.S. multinational would be directly liable for human rights violations of its overseas subsidiary where it (1) failed to ensure that its overseas subsidiary had in place a reasonably effective and functioning human rights compliance system or (2) acquired knowledge of ongoing human rights violations by its overseas subsidiary and failed to take meaningful corrective measures in a timely way.

  • human rights,
  • corporations,
  • multinational corporations,
  • Alien Tort Statute
Publication Date
March 7, 2012
Citation Information
Paul L Regan. "Human Rights Compliance and Accountability for U.S. Multinational Enterprises: a Principled Step Forward after Sosa and Kiobel" (2012)
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