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Economies of scale in the library world: the Dr Martin Luther King Jr Library in San Jose, California
New Library World (2003)
  • Paul Kauppila, San Jose State University
  • Sharon Russell

Discusses the new Dr Martin Luther King Jr Library in San Jose´, California, which will house the collections of the San Jose´ Public Library’s main branch and the San Jose´ State University’s Library system in one new building. Outlines the conception of the project, the site selection and the planning process. Considers the communities served, usage patterns and services. Focuses on the management structure and operations in light of a, perhaps controversial, aspect of mixing city and university library staff under the same roof, some performing similar functions, but with different supervisors and employing agencies. Discusses the new library in the context of other joint-use libraries and in the context of economies of scale and future trends. Evaluates the arising challenges and opportunities.

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Publisher Statement

© 2003 New World Library. Doi: 10.1108/03074800310488031

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Citation Information
Paul Kauppila and Sharon Russell. "Economies of scale in the library world: the Dr Martin Luther King Jr Library in San Jose, California" New Library World Vol. 104 Iss. 7/8 (2003)
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