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Unpublished Paper
Resolutions of the Steinberg module for GL(n)
Journal of Algebra (2011)
  • Avner Ash
  • Paul E. Gunnells, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Mark McConnell
We give several resolutions of the Steinberg representation St_n for the general linear group over a principal ideal domain, in particular over Z. We compare them, and use these results to prove that the computations in [AGM4] are definitive. In particular, in [AGM4] we use two complexes to compute certain cohomology groups of congruence subgroups of SL(4,Z). One complex is based on Voronoi's polyhedral decomposition of the symmetric space for SL(n,R), whereas the other is a larger complex that has an action of the Hecke operators. We prove that both complexes allow us to compute the relevant cohomology groups, and that the use of the Voronoi complex does not introduce any spurious Hecke eigenclasses.
  • Cohomology of arithmetic groups,
  • Voronoi complex,
  • Steinberg module,
  • Modular symbols
Publication Date
October 26, 2011
Pre-published version downloaded from archive Published version located at
Citation Information
Avner Ash, Paul E. Gunnells and Mark McConnell. "Resolutions of the Steinberg module for GL(n)" Journal of Algebra (2011)
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