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The Development of a Universal Tangible Symbol System
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness (2009)
  • Ellen Trief
  • Susan M. Bruce
  • Paul W. Cascella
  • Sarah Ivy
Tangible symbols are objects or partial objects with qualities, such as shape, texture, and consistency, that can be used to represent a person, place, object, activity, or concept. They can be handled and share a perceptual relationship with what they represent, known as the referent. This article presents a study on the development of a universal tangible symbol system. The purpose of this study was to identify a set of standardized tangible symbols from which educational teams could select the most appropriate symbols for the children they serve. 
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Citation Information
Ellen Trief, Susan M. Bruce, Paul W. Cascella and Sarah Ivy. "The Development of a Universal Tangible Symbol System" Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness Vol. 103 Iss. 7 (2009) p. 425 - 430 ISSN: 0145-482X
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