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Method of manufacturing a semiconductor wafer level package, US Patent # 6,465,281
  • DaXue Xu, Motorola
  • Henry H. Hughes, Motorola
  • Paul L. Bergstorm, Motorola
  • Frank A. Shemansky, Motorola
  • Hak-Yam Tsoi, Motorola
A semiconductor wafer level package used to encapsulate a device fabricated on a semiconductor substrate wafer before dicing of the wafer into individual chips. A cap wafer may be bonded to the semiconductor substrate using a low temperature frit glass layer as a bonding agent. The frit glass layer is in direct contact with the device. A hermetic seal is formed by a combination of the semiconductor substrate wafer, the cap wafer and the frit glass layer. A second embodiment of the package does not contain a cap wafer.
Publication Date
October, 2002
Assignee: Motorola, Inc., Schaumburg, IL (US)
Citation Information
DaXue Xu, Henry H. Hughes, Paul L. Bergstorm, Frank A. Shemansky, et al.. "Method of manufacturing a semiconductor wafer level package, US Patent # 6,465,281" (2002)
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