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The Text of Robert Burns's 'What Ails Ye Now': An Early Holograph Manuscript from the Roy Collection
Burns Chronicle for 2018 (2017)
  • Patrick Scott, University of South Carolina - Columbia
Discusses different 19th century claims about whether Burns wrote the poem "What ails ye now" (Kinsley 119B, also known as "Robert Burns's Answer," "A Letter to a Taylor," "Reply to a Trimming Epistle from a Tailor," and "Answer to a Trimming Epistle"), which was not published in Burn's lifetime, and for which no manuscript in Burns's hand is known; describes and illustrates, a contemporary or near-contemporary manuscript in another hand that has numerous variants from the early printed text; and examines the possible relationship between the two texts and their implications for the authorship debate.
  • Scottish poetry,
  • Robert Burns,
  • William Simson,
  • Thomas Walker,
  • Scottish religious satire,
  • verse epistles
Publication Date
November 30, 2017
Citation Information
Patrick Scott. "The Text of Robert Burns's 'What Ails Ye Now': An Early Holograph Manuscript from the Roy Collection" Burns Chronicle for 2018 Vol. 127 (2017) p. 24 - 33
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