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Book Ownership and Authorial Identity: Reconstructing the (Im)Personal Library of Arthur Hugh Clough
Faculty Publications
  • Patrick G. Scott, University of South Carolina - Columbia
Publication Date
Document Type
Subject Area(s)
Victorian literature; library history; book history

Describes the different evidence that survives for the personal libraries owned by two Victorian poets, Alfred Tennyson and Arthur Hugh Clough, and discusses the ways in which such book-ownership is (and is not) usable as evidence about the author's thought and writing. This paper was originally presented at the North American Victorian Studies Association Conference, Charlottesville, VA, October 1, 2005.


(c) Patrick Scott, 2005

Citation Information
Patrick G. Scott. "Book Ownership and Authorial Identity: Reconstructing the (Im)Personal Library of Arthur Hugh Clough" (2005)
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