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Realizing Transitions: Common Core, College, Career
The Selected Proceedings of the 2013 MITESOL Conference (2014)
  • Patrick T. Randolph, Western Michigan University

In 1885, Hermann Ebbinghaus, the great German psychologist, discovered that we forget up to 90% of what we learn within 30 days if we do not make a conscious attempt to retain the learned material. What is most troubling is that much of this information is actually forgotten just hours after the initial exposure. Ebbinghaus’s study has been reconfirmed with recent research in neuroscience (Kandel & Hawkins, 1992; Medina, 2009; Sousa, 2011). Applying these daunting numbers to our students’ retention of vocabulary, it is easy to understand why they forget a large percentage of the terms they study in their English language programs. This paper offers a solution to this conundrum by introducing the R.E.S.T. (Repetition, Emotion, Sensory Integration, and Teaching) Method as a means to help students learn vocabulary at a deeper level, retain it long after the initial exposure, and gain control over the definitions and uses of the terms with ease, confidence, and accuracy.

Publication Date
October, 2014
Citation Information
Patrick T. Randolph. "Realizing Transitions: Common Core, College, Career" The Selected Proceedings of the 2013 MITESOL Conference (2014)
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