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Relationships, the Rules of Professional Conduct and Land Use: Ethical Quagmires for Land Use Attorneys
39 Real Est. L.J. 367
  • Patricia E. Salkin, Touro Law Center
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This article begins to fill the void by introducing the application of the various Rules of Professional Conduct, as adopted by the specific opining jurisdiction, through a review of the relevant reported opinions of the various committees and sometimes courts, in the land use context. Part I discusses the challenges that arise for lawyers vis-à-vis their clients in the land use context. This is followed by a discussion in Part II of the ethics and professionalism issues that confront lawyers who serve on local boards.


“Reprinted from The Real Estate Law Journal [Volume #39]-[Issue #3, Winter 2010] with the permission of West, A Thomson Reuters Company. For more information of this publication, please visit”

Citation Information
39 Real Est. L.J. 367 (2010)