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Unpublished Paper
Highly Nonlinear Wave Propagation in Elastic Woodpile Periodic Structures
  • Panos Kevrekidis
In the present work, we experimentally implement, numerically compute with, and theoretically analyze a configuration in the form of a single column woodpile periodic structure. Our main finding is that a Hertzian, locally resonant, woodpile lattice offers a test bed for the formation of genuinely traveling waves composed of a strongly localized solitary wave on top of a small amplitude oscillatory tail. This type of wave, called a nanopteron, is not only motivated theoretically and numerically, but is also visualized experimentally by means of a laser Doppler vibrometer. This system can also be useful for manipulating stress waves at will, for example, to achieve strong attenuation and modulation of high-amplitude impacts without relying on damping in the system.
Publication Date
March, 2015
Prepublished version downloaded from ArXiv. Published version is located at
Citation Information
Panos Kevrekidis. "Highly Nonlinear Wave Propagation in Elastic Woodpile Periodic Structures" (2015)
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