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Unpublished Paper
Dark-Bright Solitons and their Lattices in Atomic Bose-Einstein Condensates
Physical Review A (2015)
  • D. Yan
  • F. Tsitoura
  • Panos Kevrekidis
  • D. J. Frantzeskakis
In the present contribution, we explore a host of different stationary states, namely dark-bright solitons and their lattices, that arise in the context of multicomponent atomic Bose-Einstein condensates. The latter are modeled by systems of coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equations with general interaction (nonlinearity) coefficients gij. It is found that in some particular parameter ranges such solutions can be obtained in analytical form, however, numerically they are computed as existing in a far wider parametric range. Many features of the solutions under study, such as their analytical form without the trap or the stability and dynamical properties of one dark-bright soliton even in the presence of the trap are obtained analytically and corroborated numerically. Additional features, such as the stability of soliton lattice homogeneous states or their existence and stability in the presence of the trap, are examined numerically.
Publication Date
February, 2015
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Citation Information
D. Yan, F. Tsitoura, Panos Kevrekidis and D. J. Frantzeskakis. "Dark-Bright Solitons and their Lattices in Atomic Bose-Einstein Condensates" Physical Review A (2015)
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