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Unpublished Paper
A Mean-Field Analogue of the Hong-Ou-Mandel Experiment with Bright Solitons
Physical Review A (2014)
  • Zhi-Yuan Sun
  • Panos Kevrekidis
  • Peter Kruger
In the present work, we theoretically propose and numerically illustrate a mean-field analog of the Hong-Ou-Mandel experiment with bright solitons. More specifically, we scatter two solitons off of each other (in our setup, the bright solitons play the role of a classical analog to the quantum photons of the original experiment), while the role of the beam splitter is played by a repulsive Gaussian barrier. In our classical scenario, distinguishability of the particles yields, as expected, a 0.5 split mass on either side. Nevertheless, for very slight deviations from the completely symmetric scenario, a near-perfect transmission can be constructed instead, very similarly to the quantum-mechanical output. We demonstrate this as a generic feature under slight variations of the relative soliton speed, or of the relative amplitude in a wide parametric regime. We also explore how variations of the properties of the “beam splitter” (i.e., the Gaussian barrier) affect this phenomenology.
Publication Date
December, 2014
Prepublished version downloaded from ArXiv. Published version is located at
Citation Information
Zhi-Yuan Sun, Panos Kevrekidis and Peter Kruger. "A Mean-Field Analogue of the Hong-Ou-Mandel Experiment with Bright Solitons" Physical Review A (2014)
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