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Transfer and scattering of wave packets by a nonlinear trap
Physical Review E (2012)
  • Kai Li
  • Panos Kevrekidis
  • Boris A. Malomed
  • D. J. Frantzeskakis
In the framework of a one-dimensional model with a tightly localized self-attractive nonlinearity, we study the formation and transfer (dragging) of a trapped mode by “nonlinear tweezers,” as well as the scattering of coherent linear wave packets on the stationary localized nonlinearity. The use of a nonlinear trap for dragging allows one to pick up and transfer the relevant structures without grabbing surrounding “radiation.” A stability border for the dragged modes is identified by means of analytical estimates and systematic simulations. In the framework of the scattering problem, the shares of trapped, reflected, and transmitted wave fields are found. Quasi-Airy stationary modes with a divergent norm, which may be dragged by a nonlinear trap moving at a constant acceleration, are briefly considered too.
Publication Date
November 18, 2012
Publisher Statement
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.84.056609
Citation Information
Kai Li, Panos Kevrekidis, Boris A. Malomed and D. J. Frantzeskakis. "Transfer and scattering of wave packets by a nonlinear trap" Physical Review E Vol. 84 Iss. 5 (2012)
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