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The Sabbath and the Most Prominent Magisterial Reformers
  • P. Gerard Damsteegt, Andrews University
This paper focuses on the Reformers’ views on the Sabbath at Creation, instruction of proper and improper Sabbath observance throughout the Scriptures, reasons for the abolition of the Sabbath, and finally, reasons for the change of the weekly day of worship from Saturday to Sunday. As much as possible, this research will use the primary works of the Reformers. The views of these Reformers will be dealt with chronologically, which means that, generally, the positions of the early Reformers on the various aspects of the Sabbath will be discussed first, and will be followed by those who wrote later.
Publication Date
August, 2011
Retrieved November 4, 2015 from
Citation Information
P. Gerard Damsteegt. "The Sabbath and the Most Prominent Magisterial Reformers" (2011)
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