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Beyond Black and White: How White, Male, College Students See Their Asian American Peers
Equity & Excellence in Education (2014)
  • Nolan L Cabrera, University of Arizona

This research is a cross-site analysis of how white, male, college students see their Asian American peers. Semi-structured interviews with 43 white males were conducted at two universities that differed substantially in their representation of Asian American students. The interviews were theoretically framed by Critical Whiteness Studies and Bobo and Tuan’s conception of prejudice as group positioning. At the institution where Asian American population was higher (almost 1/3 of the undergraduate population), the participants described Asian Americans as not true minorities and blamed them for campus segregation, while also subscribing to many racial stereotypes about Asian Americans (e.g., being bad drivers). At both universities, the participants subscribed to the myth of the model minority. The high concentration of Asian Americans at one of the universities corresponded to an increased prevalence of stereotypical/racist beliefs regarding this population, which was predicted by the theoretical framework. The findings also counter the mistaken notion that Asian Americans are “almost white” because these white males framed Asian Americans as a racialized group.

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Citation Information
Cabrera, N. L. (2014). Beyond Black and White: How White male college students see their Asian American peers. Equity & Excellence in Education, 47(2), 133-151.