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Born-Oppenheimer Study of Two-Component Few-Particle Systems Under One-Dimensional Confinement
Physical Review A
  • Nirav P Mehta, Trinity University
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The energy spectrum, atom-dimer scattering length, and atom-trimer scattering length for systems of three and four ultracold atoms with δ-function interactions in one dimension are presented as a function of the relative mass ratio of the interacting atoms. The Born-Oppenheimer approach is used to treat three-body (“HHL”) systems of one light and two heavy atoms, as well as four-body (“HHHL”) systems of one light and three heavy atoms. Zero-range interactions of arbitrary strength are assumed between different atoms, but the heavy atoms are assumed to be noninteracting among themselves. Fermionic and bosonic heavy atoms with both positive and negative parity are considered.

©2014 American Physical Society
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©2014 American Physical Society
American Physical Society
Citation Information
Mehta, N.P. (2014). Born-Oppenheimer study of two-component few-particle systems under one-dimensional confinement. Physical Review A, 89(5), 052706. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.89.052706