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The Functions of the Récit in L'Ecole des Femmes
Kentucky Romance Quarterly
  • Nina Ekstein, Trinity University
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Since L'Ecole des femmes was first performed in 1662, much mention has been made of the numerous récits in the play. In La Critique de l'Ecole des femmes, Lysidas criticizes the play because "dans cette comédie-ci, il ne se passe point d'actions, et tout consiste en des récits que vient faire Agnès ou Horace.'' Indeed, the entire love intrigue takes place offstage and is reported in the form of récits. Far from being tiresome recitals, these narratives are integrated into the structure of the play on numerous levels.

University Press of Kentucky
Citation Information
Ekstein, N.C. (1983). The functions of the récit in L'Ecole des femmes. Kentucky Romance Quarterly, 30(3), 223-230. doi:10.1080/03648664.1983.9926386