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Pompée's Absence in Corneille's 'La Mort de Pompée'
Rivista di letturature moderne e comparate
  • Nina Ekstein, Trinity University
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Corneille's La Mort de Pompée (1643) occupies a curious position in the playwright's oeuvre, coming as it does immediately after the tetralogy. Faced with the never-ending artistic challenge of what to do next, what features to keep from earlier works, how to innovate and thereby captivate his audience, how to outdo his latest success, Corneille made some daring choices in this play. Indeed, this play is commonly viewed as a significant point in Corneille's oeuvre, one at which the playwright moves off in a radically new direction. It is my contention that the basic choice to keep Pompée off the stage determines a complex pattern of consequences and compensations, both dramaturgical and thematic, that marks La Mort de Pompée as a fundamental departure for Corneille.

Pacini Editore SpA
Citation Information
Ekstein, N. (2003). Pompée's absence in Corneille's La Mort de Pompée. Rivista di Letturature Moderne e Comparate, 56(3), 259-273.