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Defining, Teaching, and Assessing Engineering Design Skills
International Journal for Quality Assurance in Engineering and Technology Education (2012)
  • Nikos J Mourtos, San Jose State University

The paper discusses a systematic approach for defining, teaching, and assessing engineering design skills. Although the examples presented in the paper are from the field of aerospace engineering, the principles apply to engineering design in general. What makes the teaching of engineering design particularly challenging is that the necessary skills and attributes are both technical and non-technical and come from the cognitive as well as the affective domains. Each set of skills requires a different approach to teach and assess. Implementing a variety of approaches for a number of years at SJSU has shown that it is just as necessary to teach affective skills, as it is to teach cognitive skills. As one might expect, each set of skills presents its own challenges.

  • design skills
Publication Date
January, 2012
Publisher Statement
Copyright © 2011 IGI Global.
Citation Information
Nikos J Mourtos. "Defining, Teaching, and Assessing Engineering Design Skills" International Journal for Quality Assurance in Engineering and Technology Education Vol. 2 Iss. 1 (2012)
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