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Contribution to Book
Abnormal Justice and Globalised Labour Markets: Thinking Labour Law with Judy Fudge
Globalisation, Fragmentation, Labour and Employment. A Swedish Perspective (2016)
  • Niklas Selberg
  • Hanna Pettersson, Lund University

Critical legal scholarship – as well as all attempts at using the law to change society – is accompanied by a set of dilemmas. One of these dilemmas can be found in the dynamic between the unique normative power and institutional force generated by the legal argument and legal conflict resolution, and the inherent purpose of law to maintain – at least to some extent – the status quo. Fudge argues for the importance of critical research as a way to combine thorough investigations of the concrete and particular (legal scholarship in the classical sense is the benchmark here) with the development of theoretically informed understandings of society.
  • Labour law,
  • Globalisation,
  • Judy Fudge,
  • Feminism,
  • Critical legal theory
Publication Date
Laura Carlson, Örjan Edström, Birgitta Nyström
Iustus förlag
Citation Information
Niklas Selberg and Hanna Pettersson. "Abnormal Justice and Globalised Labour Markets: Thinking Labour Law with Judy Fudge" Globalisation, Fragmentation, Labour and Employment. A Swedish Perspective (2016) p. 263 - 284
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