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Social Media and Supply Chain
  • Gema Vinuale, College of Business Administration, University of Rhode Islan
  • Pierre Frédouë, ISEL-Le Havre University, Franc
  • Antoine Jonquais, ISEL-Le Havre University, Franc
  • Nikhilesh Dholakia, College of Business Administration, University of Rhode Islan
  • Douglas Hales, College of Business Administration, University of Rhode Islan
Robert L. Carothers Library and Learning Commons
Start Date
13-4-2011 10:00 AM
End Date
13-4-2011 3:00 PM

With the rapid growth of social media, new challenges are being created for each process of supply chain management (SCM). In order to take advantage of the great potential of social media, managers and designers of SCM systems need to figure out ways to employ social media to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their systems. This study is based on a systematic, multi-judge Q-sort assessment and analysis of a specified universe of reported early-stage cases and examples of social media usage in SCM contexts. The results of the Q-sort analysis help us in developing a conceptual model that depicts the emergent links between social media and supply chain management.

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Citation Information
Gema Vinuale, Pierre Frédouë, Antoine Jonquais, Nikhilesh Dholakia, et al.. "Social Media and Supply Chain" (2011)
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