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The Cypro-Minoan Corpus Project Wins Best of Show Award
  • J. S Smith
  • Nicolle E Hirschfeld, Trinity University
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The tum of the millennium also marks a century of study of the undeciphered Late Bronze Age script of Cyprus, Cypro-Minoan. In 1909, Sir Arthur Evans labeled it "Cypro-Minoan" based on its visual similarity to the linear scripts he found at Knossos on Crete. We began to discuss the need for a detailed corpus of Cypro-Minoan a decade ago when we both attended a seminar on ancient Cypriot writing conducted by Thomas G. Palaima of the Program in Aegean Scripts and Prehistory (PASP) at the University of Texas at Austin. We went on separately to pursue specific problems in the publication and study of Cypro-Minoan. It was not until 1996 at CAARI that we had the opportunity to renew our collaborative effort. In the invigorating surrounds of the Institute we started to plan for a formal corpus. Since that time we have sought funds and worked towards the goal of combining our individual efforts. Receipt of the 1998 Best of Show Poster Award at the Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (AlA) is an honor for us and our project. It goes a long way toward making our project and its goals visible within the community of Mediterranean archaeology and beyond.

Diana Buitron-Oliver & Andrew Oliver
Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute
Citation Information
Smith, J. S., & Hirschfeld, N. (1999). The Cypro-Minoan corpus project wins best of show award. CAARI News, 18, 5.