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Human Aspects of Planning Shopping Centers
Environment and Behavior (1979)
  • Nicholas Patricios, University of Miami
After a brief outline of the macro- and micro-model approaches to shopping, a perception and spatial behavior model is selected as a framework for the research study. The study aims to identify the variables constituting the mental image of a consumer's shopping environment and which of these variables are considered important in spatial choice. Statistically significant differences in the preferences of shoppers are found based on the type of township the shopper lives in, the purpose of the shopping trip, and the shopper's income group. Patterns of variation on consumer attitudes as to the perceived importance of various attributes are also established. The implications of the findings for the planning of shopping centers include the noting of the complexity of consumers' images of their shopping environment, and the relatively small part that variables which can be manipulated by planners play in consumer spatial choice.
  • Shopping models,
  • environmental images,
  • shopping preferences
Publication Date
Citation Information
Nicholas Patricios. "Human Aspects of Planning Shopping Centers" Environment and Behavior Vol. 11 Iss. 4 (1979)
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