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Herschel/HIFI measurements of the ortho/para ratio in water towards Sagittarius B2(M) and W31C*
Astronomy & Astrophysics HIFI Special Issue (2010)
  • D. C. Lis
  • T. G. Phillips
  • P. F. Goldsmith
  • D. A. Neufeld
  • E. Herbst
  • C. Comito
  • P. Schilke
  • H. S. P. Müller
  • E. A. Bergin
  • M. Gerin
  • T. A. Bell
  • M. Emprechtinger
  • J. H. Black
  • G. A. Blake
  • F. Boulanger
  • E. Caux
  • C. Ceccarelli
  • J. Cernicharo
  • F. Daniel
  • N. R. Crockett
  • A. Coutens
  • E. Dartois
  • M. De Luca
  • M.-L. Dubernet
  • P. Encrenaz
  • E. Falgarone
  • T. R. Geballe
  • B. Godard
  • T. F. Giesen
  • J. R. Goicoechea
  • C. Gry
  • H. Gupta
  • P. Hennebelle
  • P. Hily-Blant
  • R. Kołos
  • J. Krełowski
  • C. Joblin
  • D. Johnstone
  • M. Kaźmierczak
  • S. D. Lord
  • S. Maret
  • P. G. Martin
  • J. Martín-Pintado
  • G. J. Melnick
  • K. M. Menten
  • R. Monje
  • B. Mookerjea
  • P. Morris
  • J. A. Murphy
  • V. Ossenkopf
  • J. C. Pearson
  • M. Pérault
  • C. Persson
  • R. Plume
  • S.-L. Qin
  • M. Salez
  • S. Schlemmer
  • M. Schmidt
  • P. Sonnentrucker
  • J. Stutzki
  • D. Teyssier
  • N. Trappe
  • F. F. S. van der Tak
  • C. Vastel
  • S. Wang
  • H. W. Yorke
  • S. Yu
  • J. Zmuidzinas
  • A. Boogert
  • Neal R. Erickson, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • A. Karpov
  • J. Kooi
  • F. W. Maiwald
  • R. Schieder

We present Herschel/HIFI observations of the fundamental rotational transitions of ortho- and para-H$_2^{16}$O and H$_2^{18}$O in absorption towards Sagittarius~B2(M) and W31C. The ortho/para ratio in water in the foreground clouds on the line of sight towards these bright continuum sources is generally consistent with the statistical high-temperature ratio of 3, within the observational uncertainties. However, somewhat unexpectedly, we derive a low ortho/para ratio of $2.35 \pm 0.35$, corresponding to a spin temperature of $\sim$27~K, towards Sagittarius~B2(M) at velocities of the expanding molecular ring. Water molecules in this region appear to have formed with, or relaxed to, an ortho/para ratio close to the value corresponding to the local temperature of the gas and dust.

  • astrochemistry,
  • ISM: abundances,
  • ISM: molecules,
  • molecular processes,
  • submillimeter: ISM
Publication Date
October, 2010
Publisher Statement
This is the pre-published version harvested from arXiv. The published version is located at
Citation Information
D. C. Lis, T. G. Phillips, P. F. Goldsmith, D. A. Neufeld, et al.. "Herschel/HIFI measurements of the ortho/para ratio in water towards Sagittarius B2(M) and W31C*" Astronomy & Astrophysics HIFI Special Issue Vol. 521 Iss. L26 (2010)
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