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Facing the Fear: A Free Market Approach for Economic Expression
Communication Law and Policy
  • Nancy J. Whitmore, Butler University
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Commentators differ on whether a diminished constitutional status for profit-driven speech is consistent with free speech theory. Most recently, the Supreme Court of the United States in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission largely embraced an unfettered marketplace approach for political speech financed by corporate treasuries. Given the harm a free market approach is said to have produced in the economic realm, is this approach useful for structuring the constitutional protection economic expression receives? This article discusses the placement of economic expression within First Amendment theory and contends that restrictions on economic speech should be aimed at combating deceptive economic activities while overall regulatory goals should focus on requirements that enrich the supply of accurate and timely information.


This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in COMMMUNICATION LAW AND POLICY on 09 Jan, 2012, available online:

Citation Information
“Facing the Fear: A Free Market Approach for Economic Expression,” Communication Law and Policy, Vol. 17, No. 1 (Winter 2012): 21-65.