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Evolutionary Paths and Confining Cages: The Genealogy of American State Constitutions
OhioLINK 25th Anniversary Assembly
  • Nancy Martorano Miller, University of Dayton
Document Type
Conference Paper
Publication Date

With this poster, Dr. Miller explained her work to identify how provisions and concepts in state constitutions are related to one another and evolved over time and to understand how the provisions in these documents impact the work of state officials in the policymaking process.

Her goals: 1. Provide a “genealogical” mapping of state constitutional evolution that will allow the testing of path dependency and other theories of institutional development. 2. Create a series of scores that can be used to assess the extent to which a state government’s capacity to act in a specific policy area (e.g., Health, Education, Taxation, Gaming, etc.) is constrained by policy directives embedded in the state constitution.

Document Version

Poster was presented at the 25th anniversary celebration of OhioLINK, a statewide consortium of academic libraries. It is provided with the permission of the author.

Citation Information
Nancy Martorano Miller. "Evolutionary Paths and Confining Cages: The Genealogy of American State Constitutions" OhioLINK 25th Anniversary Assembly (2017)
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