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Slide deck for "Fictions of Purity: Puritans, 'Native' Americans, and 'American' Identity"
The Pioneer Institute; the Harvard Kennedy School Program on Education, Policy, and Governance; PACE; and the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty (2015)
  • Nancy Schultz, Salem State University
This is the slide deck the Keynote remarks delivered by Dr. Nancy Lusignan Schultz, Salem State University English Professor, at a July 31, 2015 education forum in Boston, the Friedman Legacy Day Symposium: "Know-Nothings’ Nativism, Catholic Education and School Choice.”
Publication Date
July 31, 2015
Citation Information
Nancy Schultz. "Slide deck for "Fictions of Purity: Puritans, 'Native' Americans, and 'American' Identity"" The Pioneer Institute; the Harvard Kennedy School Program on Education, Policy, and Governance; PACE; and the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty (2015)
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