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Naira Renault is my changed, new name.

Summary: William Hubbs Rehnquist  is a name to remember, because it adds distinction and excellence in the highest degree to the Supreme Court of the United States. 

Rehnquist has been outstanding in every intellectual endeavor he has undertaken, starting from his graduation from Stanford University with Phi Beta Kappa in 1948, ending with his revolution of the American jurisprudence. 

His careful management of the Supreme Court of the land made him one of the most impressive Chief Justices of the past hundred years. 

One thing mattered Rehnquist the most: the law itself. He was neither a notorious textualist as some of the conservative judges, nor an extreme contextualist (historian) as some of the liberal judges. He was a  pragmatist.

Rarely indeed, one would expect that every detail of his life and career be unfold and recorded, his every rumination be revealed and resonated with pellucid clarity of his immortal import. To assemble the bare facts of Rehnquist's life-tom is a challenge which has baffled the most laborious and meticulous of his biographers.

This account isn't set to rehash what others have markedly decoded through the sepia of Rehnquist's career-album. Rather it's about depicting the pivotal events of an extensive service in  roles of  a conservative Associate Justice (1972 -1986) and the 16th Chief Justice (1986 -2005) of the United States Supreme Court, a duty stretching for 12,293 days  between  Richard Nixon's and George W. Bush's cabinets.
Publication Date
January 4, 2018
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