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Unpublished Paper
Written contributions while at the Australian Road Research Board 1976-1992
Oxford Systematics Working Papers (1992)
  • Marcus R Wigan, Oxford Systematics
During the 16 years I worked at the ARRB I worked with many people, introduced many ideas and was stimulated by many of ideas of others. Some of these resulted in printed and published work, and the various documents produced are listed here. This short document records not only these contributions to the communications, output and intellectual life of this key organisation, but also provides an opportunity for me to recognise once again those with whom I have worked, collaborated and published over this time. All of the documents published during my period at ARRB are referenced here, with the co-authors were applicable. I take this opportunity to reaffirm my appreciation for their collaboration, participation and assistance. They are, in strictly alphabetical order, as follows James Bamford, Dr. Jeremy Broughton, Dr. Darryl Bowyer, Dr. Peter Cairney, Andrew Carter, Dick Cawthorne, Dr. Mike Cullinan, Mark Daniel, John Dods, Peter Dumble, Tim Falkiner, John Fryer, Steve Golding, Alan Goode, Ron Groenhout, Roger Hadgraft, Professor Harry Hurt, Brian Hassal, Dr. Steven Jenkins, Jack Kenyon, Dr. James Luk, Alexei Makarov, John McKibben, Dr Jim McKnight, Peter Milne, Dr. Jenny Morris, Professor Ken Ogden, Neil Paulley, Liz Richards, Dr Bill Rawlinson, Dr. Nariida Smith, Professor Michael Taylor, Thorolf Thoresen, Barry Tritt, Associate Professor Rod Troutbeck, Ivan Wagar, Professor Mike Webber, Dr. David Weir, Lindsay Whitehead, Dr. Gary Winn, Associate Professor Bill Young, John Zellner.
  • bibliography wigan arrb
Publication Date
Summer November 1, 1992
Citation Information
Marcus R Wigan. "Written contributions while at the Australian Road Research Board 1976-1992" Oxford Systematics Working Papers (1992)
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