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W.B. Clarke as Scientific Journalist
Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education) - Papers
  • Michael K. Organ, University of Wollongong
Publication Date
Publication Details
This article was originally published as Organ, MK, W.B. Clarke as Scientific Journalist, Historical Records of Australian Science, 9(1), June 1992, 1-16. Original article available here.

This paper comments on W.B. Clarke's role as a scientific journalist in Sydney, 1839-1878. It also argues that Clarke has been misrepresented over time because large sections of his published work - specifically anonymous and signed newspaper articles - have not been considered in analyses of his life and assessments of his place in the history of Australian science.

Citation Information
Michael K. Organ. "W.B. Clarke as Scientific Journalist" (1992)
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