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Anaemia in pregnancy: occurrence in two economically different clinic populations of Karachi
Journal of Pakistan Medical Association
  • Saadiya Aziz Karim, Dow Medical College & Civil Hospital
  • Mohammad Khurshid, Aga Khan University
  • Javed H. Rizvi, Dow Medical College & Civil Hospital
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According to previous WHO standards, anaemia in pregnancy denoted a haemoglobin level of 11.0 gms/dl or less, but this is now considered to be variable1 as it differs from country to country depending on local reference ranges and socio-economic conditions. Each country should “lay down minimal acceptable standards” below which an individual is considered to be anaemic, taking into account the available fmancial and manpower resources and other health needs of the country2. There is a wide divergence in the quoted prevalence of anaemia in Pakistan and neigh­bouring countries.3-6 This study was undertaken to determine a range of haemoglobin levels and frequency of anaemia in pregnancy in 2 clinic populations of Karachi. This study emphasises the relationship between anaemia and socio-economic levels of the population.

Citation Information
Saadiya Aziz Karim, Mohammad Khurshid and Javed H. Rizvi. "Anaemia in pregnancy: occurrence in two economically different clinic populations of Karachi" Journal of Pakistan Medical Association (1988) p. 271 - 272
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