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Critical amplitude of the Potts model: Zeroes and divergences
Physical Review B (1984)
  • Miron Kaufman
  • David Andelman

The critical amplitude of the q-state Potts-model free energy is studied as a function of q in two dimensions and on the diamond hierarchical lattice. The amplitude diverges at an infinite number of q values, qn,introducing logarithmic terms in the free energy. We expect that in each interval (qn,qn+1) there is a q value where the amplitude vanishes, affecting the singularity of the free energy as a function of temperature. Possible consequences for gelation and vulcanization of polymers are discussed.

Publication Date
April 1, 1984
Citation Information
Miron Kaufman and David Andelman. "Critical amplitude of the Potts model: Zeroes and divergences" Physical Review B Vol. 29 Iss. 7 (1984)
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