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Economic Impact of a Potential Scholarship Program for the LaCrosse Area
  • Michelle Miller-Adams, W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
  • George A. Erickcek
The Upjohn Institute conducted an economic impact study of a universal, place-based scholarship program for La Crosse, Wisconsin. This study examined the possibility of developing a program similar to the Kalamazoo Promise for the La Crosse area. The La Crosse area faces a population decline, growing concentrations of low-income students, an aging infrastructure in the region’s largest school district, and regional sprawl that is consuming farmland and natural assets while creating new challenges of congestion and service delivery. As a response to these issues, this study explored the potential impact of a universal, place-based scholarship program. The study is based on the scenario selected by the scholarship partnership—a model in which college scholarships are extended to all students who meet minimum enrollment and residency requirements within the School District of La Crosse, with a sliding scale of coverage to offset property tax rates that differ across the eight municipalities that comprise the district.
Publication Date
LaCrosse County, School District of La Crosse, Wisconsin
Citation Information
Michelle Miller-Adams and George A. Erickcek. "Economic Impact of a Potential Scholarship Program for the LaCrosse Area" (2008)
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