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Suit My Heart: Staging Foster Youth Narratives that Hit Home
The Reflexive Teaching Artist: Collected Wisdom from the Drama/Theatre Field
  • Michelle Hayford, University of Dayton
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date

While devising Suit My Heart, I relied upon my training in the ‘three A’s’ of performance studies conceived by my late mentor Dwight Conquergood as “artistry, analysis and activism” (2002: 152). With these ‘three A’s’ in mind, I set out to facilitate a devising process and create an artistic product that would positively serve all communities involved. The quality of the project would be determined not only by the efficacy of the play that we produced in the end, but by the personal growth of my students and the empowerment of our community partners throughout the process. Discovering the reach of my authority and breaking open my own painful family history in order to grow as a Teaching Artist were not original goals for this project, but turned out to be necessary developments.

Inclusive pages
Document Version

The document available for download is the author's accepted manuscript, provided in compliance with the publisher's policy on self-archiving. Differences may exist between this document and the published version, available using the link provided. Permission documentation is on file.

Citation information for the book: Dawson, K., & Kelin, D. A. (2014). The Reflexive Teaching Artist: Collected Wisdom from the Drama/Theatre Field. Bristol, UK: Intellect; Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.

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University of Chicago Press
Place of Publication
Bristol, UK; Chicago, IL
Citation Information
Michelle Hayford. "Suit My Heart: Staging Foster Youth Narratives that Hit Home" The Reflexive Teaching Artist: Collected Wisdom from the Drama/Theatre Field (2014)
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