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Unpublished Paper
The Role of Libraries, Librarians, and Information in Society
  • Michele Gibney

In the text Foundations of Library and Information Science by Richard E. Rubin and the online lectures for LIBR 200 at SJSU taught by Deborah Hansen, the history of information and librarianship is detailed and given scope. Some of the major points that the materials cover are: the missions and values of libraries, the beginning of libraries as institutions, librarianship as a profession, and the advent of technology, specifically, the World Wide Web. This paper will summarize these points as they have been detailed in the readings and then examine them from a personal perspective, one by one. Many interesting points have been raised in the readings, some of it seems counterintuitive, some of it I take umbrage with, and some of it makes me excited to have chosen librarianship as a career.

  • librarianship
Publication Date
September 15, 2006
Citation Information
Michele Gibney. "The Role of Libraries, Librarians, and Information in Society" (2006)
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