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The Shellfish Corner: Shellfish Aquaculture in the Commons
Aquaculture Magazine (2018)
  • Michael A Rice
The major common denominator of shellfish aquaculture in coastal or estuarine waters worldwide is that most culture operations are conducted in common or public trust waters, necessitating constant interaction in the political arena with other competing interests. As a matter of practicality, the best systems for managing aquaculture lease policy in an equitable manner are on a local enough scale to facilitate stakeholder involvement, and to allow aquaculturists to organize into professional trade organizations so that the collective interest of the industry is heard in the process.
  • Shellfish aquaculture,
  • Aquatic commons,
  • Public Trust waters
Publication Date
Spring April, 2018
Citation Information
Michael A Rice. "The Shellfish Corner: Shellfish Aquaculture in the Commons" Aquaculture Magazine Vol. 42 Iss. 2 (2018) p. 62 - 64 ISSN: 0199-1388
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