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The Shellfish Corner: Filter Feeding Bivalves as Processors of Coastal Waters
Aquaculture Magazine (2015)
  • Michael A Rice, University of Rhode Island

Bivalves have a profound role in controlling the boom and bust cycles of seasonal phytoplankton blooms, and the increased rates of sediment deposition to the bottom by bivalves are an important "coupler" between the water column and the bottom that stimulates the rate of decomposition and other processes in the sediments.

  • Filter feeding,
  • bivalves,
  • filtration,
  • benthic-pelagic coupling
Publication Date
September, 2015
Citation Information
Michael A Rice. "The Shellfish Corner: Filter Feeding Bivalves as Processors of Coastal Waters" Aquaculture Magazine Vol. 41 Iss. 5 (2015)
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