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Insurance Mandates: Colorectal Cancer Screening Utilization and Racial/Ethnic Disparities
Arkansas Department of Health Grand Rounds (2014)
  • Michael Preston, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Colorectal Cancer is the third most common cancer found in men and women in the United states. In 2014, the American Cancer Society estimates over 136,000 new cases of colorectal cancer and approximately 50,000 deaths. Although the overall death rate for colorectal cancer has decreased over the past 20 years, disparities remain among medically underserved populations.
  • Policy,
  • preventive services,
  • cancer disparities
Publication Date
September, 2014
Citation Information
Michael Preston. "Insurance Mandates: Colorectal Cancer Screening Utilization and Racial/Ethnic Disparities" Arkansas Department of Health Grand Rounds (2014)
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