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From the City to the Cloud: Charles Williams’s Image of the City as an Affirmation of Artificial Intelligence
Pacific Inklings Festival, Vanguard University (2019)
  • Michael J. Paulus, Jr.
A number of Christian intellectuals who lived through the twentieth century had a deep distrust of technological innovation. Charles Williams stands out from among his contemporaries in his affirmation of technology. Jacques Ellul, perhaps the most important critic of the technological society that emerged in the twentieth century, viewed technology as a deformative counter-creation. Williams, however, affirmed technology and technological work as transformative co-creation—as a mean of participating in new creation. This presentation introduces Williams’s apocalyptic view of technology and connects it with current hopes and fears related to artificial intelligence.
Publication Date
March 9, 2019
Cost Mesa, Ca.
Citation Information
Michael J. Paulus. "From the City to the Cloud: Charles Williams’s Image of the City as an Affirmation of Artificial Intelligence" Pacific Inklings Festival, Vanguard University (2019)
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