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Is Local Politics Local? French Evidence
European Journal of Political Research (1999)
  • Michael S Lewis-Beck, University of Iowa
  • Bruno Jérôme
In advanced democracies, are local political decisions determined by local events? Or are they really shaped by national forces? For the United States case, the evidence on this question is mixed. For the French case, the focus here, the evidence is also mixed, but less hard. In fact, for cantonal elections, in many ways archtypical local affairs, relevant systematic findings are virtually absent. We ask whether the cantonal elections of the Fifth Republic can be better understood as national, rather than local, contests. Our analysis leads us to the conclusion that the basic answer is, 'yes'. There appear several theoretical reasons for this, which we give an account of. Further, we go on to show that cantonal races can actually serve as barometers to forecast upcoming national races.
Publication Date
March, 1999
Citation Information
Michael S Lewis-Beck and Bruno Jérôme. "Is Local Politics Local? French Evidence" European Journal of Political Research Vol. 35 Iss. 2 (1999)
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