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Diversity and OR/MS/Analytics: Deepening the Impact of Our Research, Broadening Access to the Profession
OR/MS Today (2019)
  • Michael P Johnson, Jr.
In a society that is growing ever more diverse, and where perspectives, needs and priorities of traditionally-underrepresented groups are increasingly important to incorporate into our work and discourse, it is incumbent on the OR/MS/Analytics field to consider what diversity, equity and inclusion mean to us, our progress towards becoming a more diverse profession, and how our research, teaching and practice would look like if diversity, equity and inclusion were at the center of our work. The occasion of the publication of an Editor’s Cut volume on diversity, equity and inclusion is an opportunity to reflect on the range of work related to diversity, equity and inclusion in peer-reviewed research outlets, and other media as well, with an emphasis on INFORMS-affiliated sources. In this article we will propose some principles by which to make sense of diversity, equity and inclusion in OR/MS/Analytics from the perspective of the profession (who receives the training, does the work and is rewarded for their accomplishments and how our institutions and culture produce these participants) and the discipline (how researchers and teachers address and incorporate principles of diversity, equity and inclusion into their work). We will show that though the volume of work in this field, again emphasizing INFORMS-affiliated publications, has increased substantially over time, there are many opportunities to (a) expand the focus of research in non-for-profit applications and to address issues of social justice as well as business and economic efficiency and (b) increase efforts to make the profession more welcoming and supportive of persons from traditionally-underrepresented groups.
  • diversity,
  • equity,
  • inclusion,
  • operations research,
  • management science,
  • analytics
Publication Date
Summer 2019
Citation Information
Michael P Johnson. "Diversity and OR/MS/Analytics: Deepening the Impact of Our Research, Broadening Access to the Profession" OR/MS Today Vol. 46 Iss. 3 (2019) p. 16 - 18
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