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How can school districts in shrinking regions remake themselves to support their communities? Policy and operations analysis for a Massachusetts school district
University of Massachusetts Boston (2017)
  • Michael P Johnson, Jr.
School districts in towns and regions facing long-term demographic and financial challenges are under intense
pressure to make difficult decisions so that they may continue to provide a quality education and enhance the vitality of the communities they serve. Such decisions may address: funding sources, education and non-education expenditures, facility utilization and community engagement. A recent engagement with Massachusetts towns by the Collins Center for Public Management has generated a case study in small-town school district revitalization. In this talk I will present results of community conversations that have enabled analysts, working with school district stakeholders, to propose a range of recommendations to secure the future of the district. These conversations have generated knowledge in the form of community values, performance indicators and constraints and considerations that will help the school district to develop a comprehensive revitalization strategy.
  • School district redesign,
  • community development,
  • shrinking cities,
  • values elicitation,
  • community-based operations research
Publication Date
February 22, 2017
Boston, MA
Citation Information
Michael P Johnson. "How can school districts in shrinking regions remake themselves to support their communities? Policy and operations analysis for a Massachusetts school district" University of Massachusetts Boston (2017)
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