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Closing the Loop of an Adaptive System with Cognitive State
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Conference 2004 (2004)
  • Michael C. Dorneich
  • Stephen Whitlow
  • Patricia May Ververs
  • Jim Carciofini
  • Janet Creaser
This paper describes an adaptive system that “closes the loop” by utilizing a real-time, directly sensed measure of cognitive state of the human operator. The Honeywell Augmented Cognition team has developed a Closed Loop Integrated Prototype (CLIP) of a Communications Scheduler, for application to the U.S. Army’s Future Force Warrior (FFW) program. It is expected that in a highly networked environment the sheer magnitude of communication traffic could overwhelm the individual soldier. The CLIP exploits real-time neurophysiological and physiological measurements of the human operator in order to create a cognitive state profile, which is used to augment the work environment to improve humanautomation joint performance. An experiment showed that the Communications Scheduler enabled higher situation awareness and message comprehension in high workload conditions. Based solely on cognitive state, the system inferred a subject’s message comprehension and repeated unattended messages in the majority of cases, without yielding an unacceptably high false alarm rate.
Publication Date
Copyright Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2004. Posted with permission.
Citation Information
Michael C. Dorneich, Stephen Whitlow, Patricia May Ververs, Jim Carciofini, et al.. "Closing the Loop of an Adaptive System with Cognitive State" Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Conference 2004 (2004)
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