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Sarcopenia in older adults
Australian Nursing Journal (2012)
  • Timothy Henwood, University of Queensland
  • Justin Keogh, Bond University
  • Mike Climstein, Bond University

Sarcopenia is a little acknowledged geriatric syndrome associated with significant health care and personal burden (Janssen et al 2004). Defined by an age associated loss in muscle mass and function (either muscle strength or physical performance), sarcopenia is a known precursor to later life disability (Cruz-Jentoft et al 2010). Across the lifespan, an adult can expect a 35% loss in muscle size and 50% loss in muscle strength that will significantly reduce their capacity to undertake activities of daily living, and increase their risk of falls due to reduced balance capacity and core strength (Bean et al 2002).

  • sarcopenia,
  • exercise,
  • older adults
Publication Date
April 1, 2012
Publisher Statement

Published version

Henwood, T., Keogh, J., & Climstein, M. (2010). Sarcopenia in older adults. Australian Nursing Journal, 19(9), 39-40.

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© Copyright Australian Nursing Federation, 2012

Reprinted with permission of the Australian Nursing Federation.
Citation Information
Timothy Henwood, Justin Keogh and Mike Climstein. "Sarcopenia in older adults" Australian Nursing Journal Vol. 19 Iss. 9 (2012)
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