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Unpublished Paper
The Movement for Open Access Law
Working Paper Series
  • Michael W. Carroll, Villanova University School of Law
Forthcoming in the Lewis & Clark Law Review, Vol. 10, 2006.

My claim in this contribution to this important symposium is that the law and legal scholarship should be freely available on the Internet, and copyright law and licensing should facilitate achievement of this goal. This claim reflects the combined aims of those who support the movement for open access law. This nascent movement is a natural extension of the well-developed movement for free access to primary legal materials and the equally well-developed open access movement, which seeks to make all scholarly journal articles freely available on the Internet. Legal scholars have only general familiarity with the first movement and very little familiarity with the second. In this contribution, I demonstrate the linkages between these movements and briefly outline the argument for open access law.

Date of this Version
Citation Information
Michael W. Carroll. "The Movement for Open Access Law" (2006)
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