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Review of "Des montagnards endiablés: Chasse aux sorciers dans la vallée de Chamonix (1458-1462)"
  • Michael D. Bailey, Iowa State University
Document Type
Book Review
Publication Version
Published Version
Publication Date

For more than twenty years, volumes in the Cahiers Lausannois d'Histoire Médiévale have explored the cases and contexts of early European witch trials in and around the western Alps. They have largely focused on the diocese of Lausanne, but in this volume, Carine Dunand looks slightly further afield, to the Chamonix valley in the shadow of Mont Blanc, which was part of the neighboring diocese of Geneva. She follows the same format as other Cahiers volumes, most of which originated as mémoires de licence in the medieval history seminar at the University of Lausanne: about half the book is a historical study while the rest consists of Latin source editions and facing-page French translations. Thus she makes a solid contribution to our knowledge of late medieval witch trials. Nevertheless, this volume is weaker than many others in the series.


This article is published as Carine Dunand, Des montagnards endiablés: Chasse aux sorciers dans la vallée de Chamonix (1458-1462), reviewed in Speculum 87 (2012): 1183-85. DOI: 10.1017/S0038713412003314 Posted with permission.

Copyright Owner
Medieval Academy of America
File Format
Citation Information
Michael D. Bailey. "Review of "Des montagnards endiablés: Chasse aux sorciers dans la vallée de Chamonix (1458-1462)"" Speculum Vol. 87 Iss. 4 (2012) p. 1183 - 1185
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