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Time Varying Parameter Estimation Scheme for a Linear Stochastic Differential Equation.pdf
International Journal of Statistics and Probability (2017)
  • Michael Otunuga, Marshall University
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In this work, an attempt is made to estimate time varying parameters in a linear stochastic differential equation. By defining $m_{k}$ as the local admissible sample/data observation size at time $t_{k}$, parameters and state at time $t_{k}$ are estimated using past data on interval $[t_{k-m_{k}+1}, t_{k}]$. We show that the parameter estimates at each time $t_{k}$ converge in probability to the true value of the parameters being estimated. A numerical simulation is presented by applying the local lagged adapted generalized method of moments (LLGMM) method to the stochastic differential models governing prices of energy commodities and stock price processes.

  • Stochastic; Generalized Method of Moments; Maximum Likelihood; Simulation; Local lagged adapted
Publication Date
Fall August 11, 2017
Citation Information
Michael Otunuga. "Time Varying Parameter Estimation Scheme for a Linear Stochastic Differential Equation.pdf" International Journal of Statistics and Probability Vol. 6 Iss. 5 (2017) p. 84 - 100 ISSN: 1927-7032
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