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Secretary of State for Work and Pensions v. Sister IS
Journal of Social Security Law (2010)
  • Mel Cousins, Glasgow Caledonian University
This case before the Upper Tribunal concerned the rules of the state pension credit (SPC) which, in effect, provide that ‘members of religious orders’ who are ‘fully maintained by their order’ have no entitlement to a state pension credit. As the Three-Judge Panel pointed out this is the rule ‘regardless of the actual amount of their income or their other circumstances’. The case concerned both the interpretation of these two phrases and – assuming the Panel found that they applied to the claimants – the compatibility of such an approach with the European Convention on Human Rights (the Convention issue).
  • European Convention on Human Rights,
  • discrimination,
  • social security
Publication Date
Citation Information
Mel Cousins. "Secretary of State for Work and Pensions v. Sister IS" Journal of Social Security Law Vol. 17 Iss. 4 (2010)
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